
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 01:17:59

您好!感谢你们帮我处理了名字的更改并合并zz号,但最近系统更新又把我的名由"XX"变成了"X X",中间又多了一个空格.我正确的名字应该是"XX Y"而不是"X X Y".相关的证件照片我已经提供过了,请查一下是什么原因造成的,谢谢!

Hello, thank you help me deal with the name changes and merger zz, but again I recently updated the system from the "XX" has become "XX", a middle additional spaces. I should be the correct name Is the "XX Y" instead of "XXY". Documents related to the photos I have provided, please check what is the cause, thank you!