
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 23:29:54
1、你宁可待在家里还是和我们一起去郊游?(perfer to do)
2、他答应4点到达这里,但直到现在还没到达。(turn up)
3、回到祖国之后,这位老人惊讶地发现上海变化真大。(be surprised to do)
6、有的时候,鼓励的话语对顽皮的儿童有很大的帮助。(be helpful)
10、摄入均衡饮食和做充足运动队每个人都很重要。(balanced diet)

1、Would you prefer to stay at home or (to) go outing with us?
2、He promised to reach here at 4:00, but he hasn't turned up so far.
3、Returning to his motherland, the old man was surprised to find that there had been so great changes in Shanghai.
4、He takes a pride in being a Chinese.
5、I can't remember where I saw that guy before.
6、At times encouraging words will be very helpful to naughty children.
7、He spends a lot of time and energy making model planes.
8、We'll take some effective measures to reduce air pollution.
9、He is able enough to manage this garage on his own.
10、It's very important for everybody to take in balanced diet and do enough exercise.

1.Would you prefer to stay at home or to go outing with us?
2.He promised to come here at 4 p.m.,but until now he didn't urn up.
3.After returning to motherland, he was surprised to find out that Shanghai had changed a lot.
4.He takes a pr