关于Tony Robbins在Ted上2006的SPEECH

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 11:21:58
就是Tony Robbins分析普通人如何归咎失败的那段 1/4的地方 他说and they may be accurate, you may not have money, you may not have the ( ) 括号里的词是哪个? 看他们笑 我不懂还查不到真是郁闷死了 谁能帮我确定一下 谢了

You may not have enough money, you may not have the Supreme Court. But that's not the defining factor
好难找啊,听不出来,他们都笑了是因为下面有人说Supreme Court.

Robbins asks: why did you fail? And starts listing the answers: not enough knowledge; lack of time; not enough money; lack of other resources; wrong boss. "The Supreme Court", says a voice from front row, and it's Al Gore's. The whole room laughs. Robbins too, and walks towards Gore to shake his hand. But then he becomes serious again: "You may not have enough money, you may not have the Supreme Court. But that's not the defining factor. The defining factor is never resources: it's resourcefulness". The audience goes silent, sensing that something is gonna happen. "If you have emotion, something that I have experienced very strongly from you the other night [during your first speech] at a level that's as profound as I ever experienced, and if you had communicated with that emotion,