
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 08:07:22
1、负责主持人事的全面工作,组织并督促部门人员全面完成人事职责范围内各项工作任务; 2、制定招聘计划、组织招聘、安排面试、证件资格等资料的鉴别、综合素质测试; 3、负责组织社员入社、考勤、休假、辞职、晋升等管理工作; 4、审核全社人员考勤,核算工资,并制作工资报表及总表; 5、制定公司培训计划,组织各种类型的培训;
7、直属上司交办的其他工作任务 ; 8、该职位其他方面的工作。

1, is responsible for the overall host things work, organization and supervision departments and personnel complete, within the mandate of the task; formulate the recruitment plan, organize recruitment, arrange for interviews, documents and other information for the identification, the overall quality of testing, 3, Rushe is responsible for organizing their members, attendance, vacation, resignation, promotion and other management; 4, the entire news agency audit staff attendance, accounting wages and wage statements, and the total production of Table 5, the development of corporate training programmes, organizations of various types of training;
6, the supervision departments attendance, overtime and leave alone the approval, and the establishment of information systems staff, for internal selection, and so provide the basis for decision-making;
7, entrusted by the immediate supervisors of other tasks; 8, the position in other areas of work.