Proe3.0 野火版问题

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 06:25:19
我已经安装PTC License Server
License request failed for feature PROE_200;-97;



PTC Wildfire 3.0 安装说明
1. In the crack directory open the file called ptc.dat and host to your computer name
and 00-00-00-00-00-00 to you host ID. Run keygen.bat which will create a license.dat.

1. 用记事本打开ptc.dat,将HOST改为你的电脑名,将00-00-00-00-00-00改为你的HOST ID(这些信息可在软件安装界面上找到),保存。


2. Run setup and Install the Ptc License manager. Browse to the license.dat file created
in step #1.
2. 安装PTC Licnese Manager,并指向第一步生成的License.dat文件

3. Run setup and install Pro/e, Pro Mechanica and Distributed Services.
3. 安装M040,以及选择性的安装Pro Mechanica 和 Distributed Services

4. Copy the "PTC-WF3-M040.exe" patcher to the following d