谁知道凤凰卫视播的《死亡区域》35级,是第几季的第几集。 就是有个人在竞选的那个。

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 07:29:13

Season 2, Episode 10: Dead Men Tell Tales
Original Air Date: 16 March 2003
Johnny inadvertently becomes involved with the local mafia when his visions lead him to help mobster Cathan Donnegal, whom he sees being gunned down by a local hood, Mickey. When Donnegal's thugs threaten Johnny to make him help them investigate, the visions lead Johnny to a mobster's mole, Nina, who has connections to the shady Greg Stillson. Stillson is back in town, seeking to buy up the land of an old Indian gambling casino to pocket more money for his political campaign; and his right-hand man/thug, Sonny Elliman, also shares time with the thrill-seeking Nina.