
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 03:25:13

可能你的BOSS让你告诉客人 合同现行的价格已经够低了,让你婉言拒绝客户的二次返工要求或者要求返工加价吧。我的翻译是:

As the prices of raw material have been marching higher since last May(楼上的朋友写成了April),I am afraid it'll take us more to do a further rework. 末了,你还可以加一句pls kindly take our condition into consideration


一家之言 请您参考

The prices of raw material have been increasing since May last year.because of the quality deficit,we must make a second rework,it will increases the cost...
