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曲子叫Hearts And Stars,Cage 9的曲子...
Cage 9,美国乐队,曲子出自他们06年专集<EI MOTIVO>...


Give it up, give it up, give it up
On the dance floor
(On the dance floor, on the dance floor)
Wake up, wake up, wake up
Don't you want more?
(Don't you want more? Don't you want more?)

Life is such a dream.
Who said that anyway, the captain of the team?
A crippled pretty face.
I'd rather be sleep but
What else can I say?
Us psychomatic freaks
Are here to populate but

We don't care if you're
A communist or creature.
Raise your fists like steeples,
Bare with me, good people.

We'll test the flesh 'till it falls apart.
We'll roll the bones 'till our time is up.
We'll spill the blood and taunt Dracula.
We'll crash the cars 'till we're lighting up.
Our hearts an