
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 13:29:46

前面几楼的回答或多或少有些语法错误,以一楼的最多,run是不作为系动词用的,和is连在一起是错误的,set应该作为及物动词使用,set up表示建立而不是设置,better perform 是个中国式英语,语法完全不通。both和and使用之后是两个名字处于不对等位置,也是错误的。
Iperf usually runs under the DOS command line window. In order that the Iperf could give a better performance on the testing of the network properties, some necessary parameters should be set at both server and client.

Iperf is usually run in the window of DOS command line. In order that Iperf will better perform the test of network performance, there are some necessary parameters that need to be set up both at server and client.

Iperf runs under DOS commandline environment. In order to yield better performance in network testing, necessary configuration is required for both the servers and end users.

感觉tongueodyssey 的翻译有些wordy.

iperf runs in DOS command row window generally. In order to make iperf achieve testing network performance, some certian parameters are needed to be set no matter it acts as server e