
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 03:12:13
Conflict, like stress, is a natural phenomenon when people interact. Conflict in some form is always present;however, it is not always negative. Conflict can be positive, for example, when you and your colleagues try to select the best possible alternative to a problem. However, much more attention is given to the negative aspects of conflict.
Conflict occurs when we fear the unknown. This can be very simple: someone says something in a tone of voice different from our expectations, which raises questions in our mind as to what the real meaning might be. Of course conflict can, and does, occur in much more serious circumstances.
Your ability to detect and understand conflict will place you in a better position to control the situation. Conflict is often categorized in three stages. Stage one is the day-to-day irritations (恼人的事) that require minimal coping strategies. Stage one conflict is real but low in intensity. The intensity can increase if irritations increase and no sol


11 。冲突是________ 。
[ B ]中,只有正面的,当同事之间发生的
[ d ]类似的强调,在各个方面的
12 。第二阶段的冲突是不同的阶段之一,冲突在这________ 。
[一] ,这是造成每日纠纷
[ B ]中,这是在低强度
[中] ,它需要某种形式的竞争
[ d ]它总是导致丢面子
13 。第三阶段可以爆炸,因为________ 。
[ B ]中它不再是一个之间的冲突这两个人
[ d ]没有解决是可能的
14 。识别能力冲突________ 。
[ B ]中,您可以赢得每竞争
[ d ]可以帮你处理的情