我这有一篇英语文章 谁来给我修改一下哈~^-^(是写给爱丽丝学院制作组哒~)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 04:18:15
刚才找动漫 看到一个人回复说让大家去写信给Alice
也许这样做不太现实 可能他们根本没时间看你写的信

英语不好...-.-大家帮我挑挑错吧~(日文是Alice里的人名 大家猜着读吧~)

I'm a middle school student.I can't speak Japanese.And my English is not very good.Even though,i write this letter to you.The reason is that I really love the Alice College.The gut is very fascinating.And i was moved deeply by さくら みかん's spirit.She just a 10-year-old girl.But she has already had to face a lot of challenge.Maybe if i were her,I will escape...
さくら みかん has a great sense of adamancy and there is a smile on her face whenever ひゅうが なつめ see her.Tell the truth,I would like to have a friend like さくら みかん,いまい ほたる,ひゅうが なつめ,のぎ るか and all the students and teachers in the Alice College.
I have watched this cartoon three times.I was pleased as i watched it.I laughed,cried,and i was angry...But i laughed in most time.Yes,you do it.I think you



The reason I write to you is that ....

3.Tell the truth,I would like to have a friend like さくら みかん,いまい ほたる,ひゅうが なつめ,のぎ るか and all the students and teachers in the Alice College.
这句后面的all the students 改为 other students

4.But i laughed in most time有点中国式
建议改为:去掉in ,或者是:most of the time

5.I'm sorry i lose your time我感觉也不是很好。

6.Thanks for you giving us the nice memory.And thank you finish reading my letter.
:Thanks you for giving us the nice memory and finishing reading my letter.
