
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 12:49:03

真的很重要,谢谢 ... 中间打错了个字,是无助

First I would like to thank you, thank you
Thank you, and now also said to me, I love you. But the step has come to this, I know, has been impossible to turn back. I know that is my fault that I too Henxin, the day when you lose a person in there. I know how you feel sad at that time, more and unhindered access, and more hope that I can be a comfort. But I did not, I am sorry.
Now, I can not not when those things happened, you know it. You know when I know those things, how I feel sad? » The unimpeded access to know how the days and nights I have the right » When I know that you and her together, I feel that what she has been robbed, you and she with you, did you and I have done things. I am proud as a peacock, suddenly one day find themselves Henchouhenchou.
I am in your world has come to the time it
My presence will affect your feelings, I do not want to. I can not hold your love life, it is impossible to occupy your lifetime. Therefore, I will nev