
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 21:29:54

1. I am reading a book now.
2. He takes off his hat.
3. I will visit my friend tomorrow.
4. She had done her homework.
5. She went to shopping yesterday.
6. They will go to the zoo next Monday.
7. We had finished the projects.
8. You have been very nice to your friends.
9. Tom is going to see a movie with Jenny.
10. Betty has been cooking since 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
11. I saw a little bee flying around the red flower.
12. Johnny was playing football yesterday.
13. Bobby watches TV everyday.
14. Billy has been cheating his mother.
15. Darcy will be the winner in the game.

小学生就让他练时态 未免也太狠了 也许他很聪明 可大多数小学生是无法记住时态用法的 理解力还不到 难道说现在的小学生都变得厉害了?我小时候怎么记都稀里糊涂的 还是不要强求了
