
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 17:49:42
1.Only ticket-holders were ____ to the stadium for the concert given by Jan Chou,so many his fans were turned away.
A.allowed B.permitted C.agreed D.admitted

2.-Have you found any mistakes in the paper yet?
-Sorry,I have only had time to ____ the headings and haven't finished reading all of it.
A.dip into B.turn over C.go through D.check over

3.What he said is ____ but practical since ____ depends on "if".
A.anything;everything B.nothing;everything C.everything;anything D.none;everything

4.-How are you today?
-Oh,I ____ as ill as I do now for a very long time.

5.In 1994,the number of books in our library was over 3000,____.
A.but now,being over 30000 B.and is over 30000 now C.but now,is over 30000 D.and now,over 30000

6.I don't thi

1 有关票的准入,学校的准入用adimit
2 句意上是说 没有时间了,所以只能浏览一下标题,dip into是浏览的意思
3 选B就意思不通,意思是,他说的所有事情只有在"如果"的基础上才实际
4 没有选项
5 这个够不成转折,而且照习惯,有了and就是另一个句子,这里省了 it is
6 句子说,我觉得这个电视节目远不是最无聊的,我看过更糟的,如果选C,那么你怎么确定它一定

4 注意"for a very long time"这个标志着我们应当用完成时,过去的事情对现在有影响