
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 12:37:42
1 开展关于某事的问卷调查活动
2 上课迟到,旷课,早退
3 公共卫生
4 在食堂买饭插队
5 考试作弊
6 大声喧哗
7 五大不文明现象

1.do a survey about something
2.be late, absent for class or get out from class early
3.public sanitation
4.jump the queue in the dining hall
5.cheating in the exam
6.talking loudly
7.five kinds of bad manner

1 、in the survey to a class late 2、activities, absenteeism, leave early 3、public health 4、in the four canteens Maifan to jump the queue 5、cheating loud noise 6、five uncivilized phenomenon