那位帮忙翻译下 2个句子……

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 14:26:20
就算是个天才,如果是一个人,也无法改变世界。 经常待在需要拯救的人们身边。——L CHANGE THE WORLD 拜托帮忙翻译下……

Even a genius,no matter how gifted,you alone cannot chang the world.


A person can not change the world even a genius。Stays by those people who needs to be saved always.

No matter how genius.All can not alone change the world.
You'll always be near where someone is saved.

Even a genius, if a person can not change the world. Always need to save the people to stay around. __改变世界

Even a genius, he/she can not change the world by one person. To save the person around - change the world.(改变世界)

Although someone is a genius , he still can not change the world if he is a human .
always stay with the people who need to be helped