go through是什么意思

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 02:18:17

【go through】用法
1.pass through穿过
The rain has gone through my overcoat.雨水渗透了我的大衣。
The material is so stiff that even the thickest needle won't go through.这种布料太硬,连最粗的针也扎不进去。
A new idea went through his mind.他脑子里有了一个新的主意。

We must go through the account books together;there's still some money missing.我们必须检查所有账簿,因为还有部分款项无着落。
I will go through your papers.我将审阅你们的论文。
We have gone through the details of the plan to make sure tere are no loopholes.我们仔细地审查了计划的每一个细节,以确保没有任何漏洞。
The lawyers went through the evidence.律师们核查了证据。

3.be put into effect完成
After months of efforts the work finally went through.经数月的努力,工作终于完成。
Are they going through with their plans to build a new home?他们将实现他们的计划,建立一个新家吗?
Let's go through all the exercises before we go out.我们出去前把练习做完。
It requires courage and patience to go through the undertaking.要完成这项工作,需要耐心和勇气。