Ns -cheats问题

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 05:56:48
问一下Ns 物竞天择的秘籍模式的所有秘籍.......

Cheats - sv_cheats (0/1) //作弊前先在控制台把"sv_cheats"设置成1

For testing only. Speeds build and research time, always lets players spawn immediately when joining a team, lets all players hear all other players when using voice communication, and more. //作弊码只为测试而使用。开启后建筑和研究将瞬间完成,玩家从RR加入队伍时能立即复活,全体玩家都能听到麦克风语音,还有……

Allows the following cheat codes to be used: //以下是作弊码

bigdig - All structure build instantly //所有建筑立即完成
slowresearch - Turns off fast researching normally present with cheats //将快速研究恢复为正常速度
lowcost - All structures and upgrades cost 2. //所有的升级和建筑只花2 res
highdamage - All damage is multiplied by 50. //所有的攻击力变成50倍
hightech - All research finishes instantly. //所有研究立刻达到顶级
detectall - All entities are automatically detected //所有实体自动被删除
numinfos - Prints message counting info_location entities
numspawns - Prints message counting number of spawn entities
entityinfo - Prints detailed information a