英文高手帮我写一个英文简历 自我评价 这一部分。。。

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 13:38:32
比如“为人诚信可靠,具有团队合作精神,容易与人相处,适应能力强,有强烈的责任感”,“很有上进心,知道主动学习,不断完善自己”。。。等等。。。扯淡又吹牛比的话。。。希望语言组织的好一点。。。有特色一点。。。不要那种千篇一律的。。。至少给人眼前一亮。。。叫人有 兴趣看完的。。。希望各位高手相助。。。写的好的。。。我再加分。。。。
to guohanqiong:
maybe ur daddy raped his sister...then...little guohanqiong popped out...that's funny...r u fucking retarded,guohanqiong????

Human integrity reliable, and team spirit, easy to get along with people, a strong ability to adapt, have a strong sense of responsibility "and" very motivated, know that active learning, and constantly improve themselves. "..

要要人眼前一亮么? 这么写 I'm a wanker, I'm a gangster,I'm a bustard,however I'm a fabulous worker,but if you do not recruit me,I bet I will kill your whole family......

就是搞笑一下~ 希望你能获得好的工作