
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 09:15:36
1,She swam to the shore_____the night in the water.(正确答案:A)
A. having spent B. having spengding
C. when spending D. had spent
2, How ____was the shore? Eight miles.(正确答案:C)
A. away far B. far from
C. far away D. long

1. 过去分词作状语语。C不能选,因为 swam to the shore 和 in the water 是在叙述同一件事的同一个动作(楼上同学说有先后,其实是不对的,因为是过去时,所以必须用过去分词)。D 不是分词结构,B 不符合过去分词的语法。

2. 问距离不用 long 要用 far,long 是问时间。A 明显错误。之所以不选D 是因为:from 后面要接地点,可以说 How far was the shore from here? 剩下只能选 D,D 是唯一正确答案

Marketplace supermarket is the "face" Marketplace creative vitality depends on the store design and layout of furnishings of goods, merchandise performance, with the color and lighting applications, the design of the background music. First, the import and export design, Carrefour through serious study concluded that the export and import stores should be separate, each have one, and connect with the main channel so that it could not guarantee that the entire corner stores, customers can transfer as much as possible全场times. Secondly, in the interior design stores, fresh areas of bright red meat counters layout, the yellow food counter layout, the light blue fish counter layout, with white ground environment, a one-time