
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 09:41:28
1 她问我这些年一直在干什么。 2 最后我找的书终于找到了。
3 这次成功以前,这试验他们已做了好多年。
4 那天晚上他睡不着觉,因为谈话谈的太久了。
5 她告诉我她没能早来,因为她一直在开会。
6 到那时为止我们一直没有机会访问这座城市,虽然好些年来我们一直想去访问。

1、She asked me all these years has been doing.
2、Finally, I find the book finally found。
3、The success of the past, this pilot they have done for many years.
4、That night he sleepless nights, because talk about too long.
5、She told me she did not long ago, because she has been met.
6、By that time we have been so far no opportunity to visit the city, although a number of years we have always wanted to visit.

1. she asked me what i've been doing these years.
2. finally, i found the book i wanted
3. they had been trying for years before they made it.
4. he couldn't get to sleep that night, because he talked too much.
5. she told me that she didn't manage to come earlier since she stuck in a meeting.
6. we never had a chance to visit that city until then, though we had planned it for years.

1. She asked me what I was doing these years.
2. Finally I found the book I was looking for.
3. They've the don