
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 13:52:29
永定每一座世界文化遗产——土楼,现场彩旗飘扬,鞭炮四起,锣鼓震 天,张灯结彩,喜气洋洋。民俗表演好戏一场连着一场,庆祝申报世界文化遗产成功这一国家盛事。

The Beijing standard time on July 7 6 o'clock, China “the Fujian Yongding earth building” on 6th at the Canadian Quebec city hold's 32nd world heritage congress, is included officially "World heritage Name list". the Yongding each world culture inheritance - - earth building, the scene colored flag flutters, the firecrackers rise from all directions, the percussion instrument shakes the day, is decorated with lanterns and colored streamers, jubilant. Folk custom performance good play Lian Zhuo, the celebration reported that the world culture inheritance succeeds this national grand occasion

-- At 6:00 on July 7, the "Fujian Yongding Tulou" on the 6th of Quebec City in Canada at the 32 session of the World Heritage Conference, was officially listed as "World Heritage List."
Yongding each a world cultural heritage - Tulou, colorful flags fluttered at the scene, four firecrackers, gongs and drums Zhentian, Zhangdengjiecai, jubilation.