英语句子 翻译 有提示

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 01:47:39
1.我想邀请史密斯夫人与我们共进晚餐 (invite sb. to do sth.)
2.这艘船将于星期一开往纽约(set sail)
3.我们没等多久她就来了(long before)
4.我拿一个苹果与玛丽交换我最喜欢吃的香蕉 (in exchange for)
5.乔治参加了战争,被俘虏了 (be taken prisoner)
6.这个教堂追溯到13世纪(date from)

1. I would like to invite Mrs. Smith to have dinner with us.
2. This boat will se sail to New York on Monday.
3. We didn't wait long before she came.
4. I gave Mary an apple in exchange for my favorite banana.
5. George joined the war, and was taken prisoner.
6. This church can be dated from 13th century.

: )

I want to invite Mrs.Smith to have dinner with us.
2. This boat will set sail to New York on Monday
3.We didn't wait too long before she came 4 I gave Mary an apple in exchange for my favorite banana
5. George has been participated in war ,and was taken prisoner
6 This church can be dated to 13 century

I want to invite Mr and Mrs Smith to have supper.
This bout will set sail for New york.

1) I want to invite the Smiths to have dinna with us.
2) This ship will set sail for New York on Monday.
3) We didn't wait for long before she came.
4) I gave Mary an apple in