indeed和of couse都表示同一个意思吗?哪个更口语化?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 14:20:50
用日常口语表达“没关系”或者“不用谢”怎么说?you are welcome??

of course更口语化。
没关系:It doesn't matter
不用谢:you are welcome

indeed和of couse都表示同一个意思吗? NO.

- Can you please give me a hand?
- Of course.

- The exams are difficult.
- Indeed.

用日常口语表达“没关系”或者“不用谢”怎么说?you are welcome??

没关系 = it's all right
没关系 = it's fine
没关系 = it's ok

不用谢 = you are welcome
不用谢 = pleasure
不用谢 = not at all
不用谢 = don't mention it
不用谢 = it's ok

of course 更加口语化,表示当然、没问题。indeed比较正式,有诚然,的确如此的意思。没关系,不用谢 除了用you're welcome,还可以用no problem, it's ok等

我赞同一楼的观点 of course 用的更为普遍。

没关系: Be all right。
[Not at all]是[一点也不]的意思好吧?
一般用在别人提出问题或请求如“DO you mind?”

不用谢:you are welcome

不是表示同一个意思.后者更口语化.indeed是确实如此,而of course是当然了,相当与sure,certainly

没关系:It doesn't matter,that's ok.
不用谢:You're welcome Don't mention it My pleasure ect.

of couse