
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 21:42:28
是一个相当激昂的一个纯音乐插曲,我记得是某一部夺宝奇兵的高潮曲子 但是却找不到,不过似乎记得是 斯皮尔伯格的电影插曲,相当的霸气 ,经常被用来做节目的背景曲。说这么说 似乎还是有点大海捞针的感觉。希望有达人帮忙找到,分数还可追加!
我的 错 可能是我误导了 一楼的大虾 关于是不是夺宝奇兵的插曲我也记不大清楚 不过我知道是第十放映室的插曲 http://vsearch.cctv.com/play_plgs.php?sref=cctv10prog_20060802_153775&ref=cctv10prog_20060802_153775&tv=0 就是这个刚刚开始的 背景音乐


  The Raiders March
  Main Title: South America, 1936
  In the Idol's Temple
  Flight from Peru
  Journey to Nepal
  The Medallion
  To Cairo
  The Basket Game
  The Map Room: Dawn
  Reunion and The Dig Begins
  The Well of the Souls
  Airplane Flight
  Desert Chase
  Marion's Theme
  The German Sub / To the Nazi Hideout
  Ark Trek
  The Miracle of the Ark
  The Warehouse
  End Credits


  1.Anything Goes - Written By Cole Porter / Vocals Kate Capshaw (02:54)
  2.Fast Streets Of Shanghai (03:43)
  3.Nocturnal Activities (05:57)
  4.Shortround's Theme (02:32)
  5.Children In Chains (02:45)
  6.Slalom On Mt. Humol (02:26)
  7.The Temple Of Doom (03:01)
  8.Bug Tunnel And Death Trap (03:32)
  9.Slave Children's Crusade (0