
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 21:29:02
5.2.7 Diesel Engine Driven Fire Pump and Controllers
The engine and base mounting plate for the diesel engine driven fire pump shall be
mounted on a concrete plinth at a sufficient height to allow a horizontal shaft to drive the
pump through a right angle drive gearbox.
The engine shall be specifically rated for fire pump duty, being of the multi-cylinder, fourstroke,
mechanical injection, compression ignition, water cooled type with removable
cylinder sleeves. Engines may be either naturally aspirated, scavenged or turbo charged
and shall operate satisfactorily on diesel fuel.
Resilient or anti-vibration mountings, if recommended by the engine manufacturer shall
be installed between base mounting plate and either concrete plinth or engine.

5.2.7 被驾驶火泵和控制器的柴油引擎
引擎将对火是明确定格泵责任,多圆筒, fourstroke 的存在,
机械的注入,压缩点火, 冷却类型的水由于可移去的
圆筒缝上袖子。引擎可能或自然地被送气发音, scavenged 或收费的 turbo
弹回的或反震动架设, 如果藉着引擎制造业者推荐将