soundless falling

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 21:45:07
以前在意林双语版上看见过一片文章名字叫soundless falling,觉得挺好的,可是因为年代久远,杂志给搞丢了,在网上搜了半天也找不到,好不容易在龙源上看到了又发现要钱的,哪位好心人能给我找下啊

God intened us to meet some irrelevant people before we meet the right ones . So that ,we can feel gratified when we find the other half of ourselves . However ,some people fount it and thought they found it ;some missed it and they thought they missed.

I retalled all the past things

and found that all the happiness was here

All these were like seeds growing into saplings

and flowers

Soundless falling
