You do not know I still have a habit of it ..

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 16:25:18
You do not know I still have a habit of it .. I will first message before the others stay here again ... It seems that you really pretty woman ... there are thousands of Li .. I also look at the space; has. . It seems that you two have started talking about me .. I am very patient ... it is still one year Hunsi .. ... it is not a small Mody Ang Lee said to you .. I am more than 1,000 Ask to see him drop classes ... next time it concealed point .. .. 是什么意思/?帮我翻译一下!谢谢!

你不知道,我一直保留着这个习惯.在其他人再次到来之前我会第一个给出通知...看起来你是个非常漂亮的女人...这里有成千上万个Li...我也看着天空;你们两个好像开始谈论我...我很有耐心...还有一年的时间 Hunsi...这并不像小Mody Ang Lee 给你说的那样...我已经见他逃课超过一千次了...他隐藏了一个事实