The meeting stopped a few minutes ago.

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 09:48:28
=the meeting has __ ___ for a few minutes
I heard that his parents were learning English.=
I heard ___ ____ his parents ___English
He found the room was clean=
he found the room ___

been over
both of,learning hear sb. doing sth.
clean 形容词

1 stopped
3 cleaned

1.the meeting has been stopping for a few minutes
2.I heard both of his parents learned English
3.he found the room clean

1.been stopped
2.both of, learning

the meeting has ended 。。
he found the room tidy

第二题不懂,是否漏了什麽 ?

第一个答案是 been over,been stopped是不对的,后面有时间段所以不能加短暂性的动词,stopped 就是个短暂性的动词,要用over代替。
第三个是 clean 它是个形容词,find something +形容词 我说的肯定对。