
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 01:08:30


call to mind; look back upon; recollect; recall:
回忆不起来了 beyond recall
那情景使我回忆起童年。 The sightre called the days of childhood to me.

memory; palinmnesis; reminiscence:
唤起对往事的回忆 awaken recollection
痛苦的回忆 a painful recollection

沉浸在幸福的回忆中 be immersed in happy memories
勾起对过去的回忆 evoke memories of the past
作者根据她自己童年的回忆构思了这个故事。 The writer constructed the story frommemories of her childhood.
唤起对往事的回忆 evoke past memories
回忆不起来了 beyond recall
那情景使我回忆起童年。 The sight recalled the days of childhood to me.
痛苦的回忆 a painful recollection
少数记性极好的人被称为具有“完整的回忆力”。 A few people with remarkable memories aresaid to have “total recall.”
美好的回忆 happy memories
这本所谓回忆录实际上是为他自己树碑立传。 These memories are, in fact, an attempton his part to build up his own image.
回忆往事 recollections of the past
我经常回忆我们在一起的日子。 I often recall the time we were together.