
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 16:48:09
Dear U.F.O:

We'd like to invite you to reconnect with SETI@home. Our records show that you've been with SETI@home since 23 July 2007, but it's been 145 days since you last returned a work unit. We want you back, and here's why:

These are exciting times for SETI@home. Last year we implemented a new SETI@home data recorder at the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico. This recorder is attached to a state-of-the-art multibeam receiver, so we can now measure signals from 7 positions on the sky at once, with greater sensitivity to weak signals compared to the data from the flat feed antenna we've used since 1999. We've greatly increased the sensitivity of our data analysis, and the likelihood that we'll find the first signs of extraterrestrial life. We're also close to releasing a second application, Astropulse, which will look for extremely short pulses of astronomical (and possibly intelligent) origin.

With these new dev

这些都是令人振奋的时代,为搜寻地外文明@家园。去年我们实施了一项新的搜寻地外文明@家园的数据记录在阿雷西博射电望远镜在波多黎各。这个记录是连接到一个国家的-配有先进的多波束接收机,因此,我们现在立即可以测量信号从天空7月的立场,具有更大的敏感性弱信号的数据进行比较,自1999年以来,从该单位饲料天线,我们所使用的,我们已经大大增加的敏感性,我们的数据分析,和可能性,我们可以找到的最初迹象外星生命。我们还在密切,以释放出第二次申请,星盘 ,这将寻找极短脉冲的天文数字(和可能的智能)的起源。
如果您遇到问题,运行的搜寻地外文明@ 家园 ,请尝试的任何资源列在:http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/sah_help.php包括新的BOINC的联机帮助系统可让您谈生活,互联网,以帮助志愿者: http://boinc.berkeley.edu/help.php
我们感谢您的参与搜寻地外文明@家园,希望你重返我们在我们的搜索信号从其他的世界。 -搜寻地外文明@家园队此讯息是传送到:
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