It proves that ...,还是it is proved that...?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 01:31:13

It proves that you are wrong. 它证明你是错的
It was proved that steam is hotter than boiling water. 蒸汽比炥水要烫的事实是被证明过的

前者.It proves that=结果表明.

it is proved that

proves 是现在事, proved 是过去是; 若要用前者, 需要明确的说出 "it" 是什麼 (例如一个实验, 一种现象等)
ex: {this experiment} proves that he is right.
It is proved that he is right.

it proves
it proved
it is proven
it was proven