
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 08:27:30
The rise of tourist traffic has brought the relatively recent phenomenon of the tourist attraction pure and simple. It often has no purpose but to attract in the interest of the owner or of the nation. As we might expect, this use of the word "attraction" as "a thing or feature which `draws' people, especially any interesting or amusing exhibition" dates only from about 1862. It is a new species: the most attenuated form of a nation's culture.

崛起的旅游交通带来了比较近期的现象,对旅游景点的单纯和简单。它往往没有目的,但以吸引在利益的拥有人或该国。正如我们可以预计,这一词的使用“吸引力” , “一件事情或功能,其中`提请'的人,特别是任何有趣的或有趣的展览”的日期只能从约1862年。这是一个新种:最衰减的形式,一个民族的文化。