翻译 vmware

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 01:01:30
You can make changes to the following options in the Connection section when the virtual machine is powered on or powered off:
• Use physical serial port — Select this option if you want the virtual machine to use a physical serial port on the host computer. Use the drop-down list to specify which available port to use.

• Use output file — Select this option if you want to send output from the virtual serial port to a file on the host computer. Click Browse, and then either locate an existing output file or navigate to the desired directory and type a filename for the file you want to create.

• Use named pipe — Select this setting to set up a direct connection between two virtual machines or a connection between a virtual machine and an application on the host computer.

Use the default pipe name, or enter another pipe name of your choice. The pipe name must follow the form \\.\pipe\<namedpipe> — that is,




使用预设的管道名称,或者输入另一管您选择的名称。管道名称必须遵循的形式\ \ 。 \管\ <namedpipe> -也就是,它必须开始与\ \ 。 \管\ 。管道名称必须相同服务器和客户端。
在I / O模式区段中,选择所谓的收益率的CPU对调查的兴趣,主要是开发谁使用的调试工具,通讯串行连接。选择这个选项可以提高性能,当客户的作业系统是使用串行端口,在接受调查的模式。那么,虚拟机将产生的时间,如果处理器的唯一任务,这是试图做的是调查虚拟串行端口。
