
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 07:19:29
1 what are your weaknesses?(这个问题要怎样避免说出自己缺点呢?)
2 what qualities do you have that offset your lack of experience?
3 are you going to move to a better job as soon as you gain experience here?
4 if you are faced with a deadline you cant meet what will you do ?

本人觉得这4个问题很难回答,有很大 的技巧性在里面,有哪位大侠能帮帮我,哪怕只是给点建议也好 ···

1. trick question

It is ok to state some kind of weakness, but the important thing is to let others know how you find out that weakness and how you overcome it.

Eg. Sometimes as a team work i found out i can not listen to others ideas or views, later on when i realize the importance of the commuciation, now i am willing to share ideas with my team.

2. learning ability. i am a fast learner which I have a better chance of learning things faster than others.

3. i am working here not only to gain exmperince but to consider this job as my career. the job involes XXXXXX (feature) that would let me feel challenges everyday and I am ready to take that!

4. I will immediately report and discuss this situation with my supervisor and having a back up plan (alternative way) to get the task done.

1 My weakness is too cute, too gentle, Taishuai
2 have enough charisma and self-confidence, to make up for my lack of experience