
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 05:27:28
1. The coffee tastes strange! It isn't like anything I___ while in London.
A. was having B.have C.had D. have had
2.I used to work in a nursery before so I know ____ to expect in this new job.
A.what B. how C.why D.whatever
3.In the late afternoon, we reached _____ small village _____ east of ______ West Hill.
A. the; the ; the B.a;/ ; the C.a; the ; the D.a;/ ;/
4.---Does Betty know where her violin is?
----She saw somebody walking off with one, but she doesn't know ____.
A.whose B. it C. whom D. which

1.C while in London是一个明确的过去时间,相当于last year,yesterday等词语在句中的作用。所以应该用过去时。
2.A expect sth,这里是一个宾语从句,what作为主句中know的宾语和从句中expect的宾语。
3.D a small village是非特指,用不定冠词,翻译时可以译成“一个小村庄”,如果选"the"是定冠词那么翻译时就要译成“那个小村庄”。east of用来表示方位,不需要冠词。
4.A 完整的表达形式为:whose violin she saw the person walking away with. 这里的whose针对one提问。

3.B.a small village 指某一个小村庄,east of ……方向前不加冠词,the West Hill特指。
但她不知道somebody walking off with one中的one是不是 Betty 的小提琴。

1.c:while in london 过去式所以用had
2.a:what to expect新工作的预想
3.c:a small village 和 east of 不用多说,the West Hill 特指
