呼啸山庄 英文翻译简介

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 19:18:38
一位老先生在一个风雨交加的夜晚 来到呼啸山庄想要借住一晚 夜里他做了一个奇怪的梦,梦见树枝打在窗齿打碎玻璃,想折断外头的树枝,可手指却触到一双冰凉的小手,一个幽灵似的啜泣声乞求他放她进来 希克厉先生闻声赶来,让希克厉出去,他自己扑倒在床上,哭着叫起来:“卡茜,来吧!啊,来呀,再来一次!啊,我心中最亲爱的!卡瑟琳
主人欧肖夫妇从街头捡来一个吉普赛人的弃儿,收他做养子,这就是希克厉。希克厉一到这家就受到才先生的儿子享德莱的欺负和虐待,可享德莱的妹妹卡瑟林却疯狂地爱上了希克厉。他们经历了许多 可最后还是没有在一起

An old man in a Fengyujiaojia night to Wuthering Heights by Zhu Yiwan night he'd like to do a strange dream, a dream branches teeth smashed the window glass, think outside the broken tree branches, fingers They touch a pair of cool little hands, wept like a ghost voice begging for his release her come Xike Wensheng, Mr. Li came to Xike Li out of his own Pudao in bed, called up crying: "Kaxi, Go ahead, ah, ah to, again! Ah, my heart most dear! Kase Lin
The old man, the woman asked about the matter Ailundien housekeeper, a female housekeeper would say in the matter of Wuthering Heights.
Ouxiao couples from the owner of a gypsy street Jianlai the abandoned children, to his adopted son, and this is Xike Li. Xike Li to a home on this subject only to enjoy Adelaide, the son of the bullying and abuse, are entitled to Adelaide's sister Kase Lin was frantically in love with Xi Ke Li. They experienced a lot together last or not

An old man in a Fengyujiaojia nigh