
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 19:43:47
9.Would you like to give me the book ( )cover is green.
A.who B.that C. which D.whose
为什么要选D, 正确答案是D 哪位高手指点一下

16.He found a wallet( ) there was a lot of money.
A.that B.on which C.where D.which
答案是C ,不明白为什么不能选D

18.The museum( ) we have visited is very old.
A.where B.when C. that D.in which

9: whose = the book's cover

16: where = in the wallet

18: that = museum, visited the museum

1。括号里要填的就是the book's 就是“书的”当然就要用D了
2。就是in the wallet there was a lot of money用which代替wallet就是in which了
3。就是we have visited the museum用which 或that 代替the museum就行了,所以要选c

16.他在一个地方找到提包,用which的话,要用 in which,不能只用which
18. visit后面直接接名词,不能加东西,所以选c,不选d

第九题括号后面是名词,所以括号里应该是一个 物主代词,所以选 whose 译为他的封面是绿的

16.where相当于 in which 做地点状语,表示在哪里
而 which 的用法是在句子中充当名词性的成分,比如 主语,宾语等,不能充当状语。
