LP 算不算新金?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 00:52:34

LP在<rock am ring>还没上街之前接受kerrang杂志的访问,其中有个问题跟你的差不多,下面是原文:

Will people still think of you as a nu-metal band?

Chester:"We wanted to get rid of anything that sounded like nu-metal. We really don't like being branded as a nu-metel band, We enjoy growing as musicians. We're trying to find new ways of presenting ourselves.When we wrote Hybrid Theory,we were kids.We had a different outlook on things. It was a different time.But we've keptthe elements of the band that have worked,that define who we are, but at the same time,there's a lot of beatiful music on this record."
Phoenix:"I'm not sure if anyone knows what nu-metal means anyway.We're our own thing."

要定义一支乐队是什么风格有时很难,也许有他们出过一张很nu-metal的专辑,但这并不能就因此定义他们是nu-metal,也许有一天他们会玩起post-grunge,so take it easy,make no noise and let LP do their thing.



