
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 19:52:42
1 When asked by the police,he said that he remembered______at the party,but not______
A to arrive;leaving B to arrive;to leave C arriving;leaving D arrivng;to leave
2 -You don't like John,do you?
-No.He thinks only of himself;he doesn’t————other people
A care for B care of C take care of D care about
3 The captain was always honest with us and never______to disappointment,even when the ship sank
A gave off B gave away C gave way D gave up
4 Tom said that he was late because he_______traffic jaim
A got trapped B trapped in C caught in D lost in
5 You_____him. Why can't you say anything else?
A always criticize B are always criticizing C have always criticized D have always been criticizing

1. C remember (not) doing sth "记得(没有)做过某事"
2. D care about "关心,担心,在乎"
3. C give way to "向...妥协/让步/屈服"
4. 你可能抄错题目了,答案中用到的短语是be/get trapped/caught in "被...困住/陷住"
5. D 用现在完成进行时既可以表示“你总是责备他”这种埋怨的语气,也能对应时态“一直到现在都在责备...”。

6. 如果是用了一般过去,则该句使用了虚拟语气。至于虚拟语气的用法比较复杂,这里就不再另做阐述。