看看什么意思 帮忙翻译一下

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 04:28:43
Of particular note is Inmarsat – the satellite communications company. Formed as a
maritime-focused intergovernmental organisation over twenty years ago, it now
serves a broad range of markets. Starting from a user base of 900 ships in the early
1980s, it now supports links for phone, fax and data communications at up to 64kbit/s
to more than 250,000 ship, vehicle, aircraft and portable terminals, whose is growing
by several thousand each month. The satellites are controlled from Inmarsat’s
headquarters in London, but it has regional offices in Dubai, Singapore and India.

海上为重点的政府间组织超过二十年前,它现在 是
20世纪80年代到它现在支持的联系电话,传真和数据通信高达64kbit /秒

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