我最爱的城市英语作文题 最好80字

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 17:23:42
老师要求的 大家帮帮忙 !

Beijing(Peking)北京市(Centrally administered municipality)这篇可以参考:)~~

Area:16,800 km*km/Population: 9.2 million China, is the political,commercial and cultural center of the most highly populated country in the world.Together with Shanghai and Tianjin, it is the third centrally administered municipality and the east of the central government. Party conventions take place here. The National People's Congress holds its sessions and the highest public authorities and ministries have their seat here. The fate of more than one billion people is determined in Beijing. As in a microcosm, this city represents the heritage of traditional China and the achievements of modern China. It would take several weeks to become acquainted with all the places of interest and the art treasures. The outstanding artistic skill of the Chinese architects, craftsmen and artists who have createed the image of the city since the Jin and Yuan eras, will fill the Western visitor with amazement and en