
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 05:02:38
The headmaster often talked to the students and was always listened to attentively. 校长经常和学生谈话,学生们总是用心听他讲。(下半句用被动语态显然要比"and they always listened to him attentively"简练的多.)
以上的辅导书上的原话,但是原句感觉后半句的主语也是校长呀.我的理解是the headmaster often talked to the students and he was always listened to students attentively.校长总是用心听学生们讲.

原句的后半句,完整的应该是He was always listened to (by the students) attentively.

你显然理解错了,后半句的主语是校长,但是是被学生用心的听,主动语态就是: The headmaster often talked to the students and the students always listened to him attentively.

就是校长经常向学生们讲话,学生们也用心听。 是被动语态,不过翻译时最好翻译成主动,中式英语别扭,要做到信 达雅。

你的理解有点问题~因为前后主语一致所以省略了the headmaster
and表并列 校长是被听的 楼上说的对He was always listened to (by the students) attentively

你的理解是对的,原句后半句的主语的确还是the headmaster, 所以用了被动,这样就只是一个简单句,一个主语:the headmaster, 两个谓语:talked to 和was listened to,这样句式简单,比换成两个不同主语的并列句要简练. 而不是说用词上少.