
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/19 16:27:14
Many philosophers think that we can account for all of these phenomena at a stroke, by identifying a single thing that serves simultaneously as that which we have in common with past and future selves, that which governs our behavior when it is self-governed, that which we restrain when exercising self-restraint, and that which we blame, of which we feel ashamed, or for which we hope to be loved.

重点说明一点,…… serve as that which ……这个表达的成分,或者是什么语法现象?

我的理解是,serve as 充当,作为……,that 是介词as宾语,这里容易误解为,that 和 which 都是关系代词,其实不是,that在这里只是指示代词,是which的先行词。而which引导的这三个都是定语从句,来修饰前面的这个指示代词that。

that serves simultaneously as ……
这里,serve 作为从句的谓语,as 引导从句的状语。
之后的that which 是并列的状语从句。

