监控员 英文怎么说

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 14:31:56




Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary (4/e) 牛津高阶第四版:

/ 5mCnItE(r); `mBnEtL/ n
device used to observe, record or test sth 监听器; 监视器; 监测器: a heart monitor 心脏监测器 * a monitor for radioactivity 放射量探测器.
person who listens to and reports on foreign radio broadcasts and signals 监听外国广播者.
(a) TV screen used in a studio to check or choose the broadcast picture (电视台选播用的)监视屏. (b) (computing 计) screen or other device used for checking the progress and operation of a computer system 监控荧光屏或装置. =>illus at computer 见computer插图.
(fem 阴性作 monitress / 5mCnItrIs; `mBnEtrIs/) pupil with special duties in a school 任某职责的学生: the homework monitor 家庭作业检查员.
any of various large lizards of Africa, Asia or Australia 巨蜥(产于非洲、亚洲、澳洲).

> monitor v [Tn]
make continuous observation of (sth); record or test the operation of (st