
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/19 19:48:31
1.I'm sure that the dictionary will sell well _______printed.(D..分析下其他的为什么错,D为什么对)
A.after B.if once C.even if D.when

2.As she was getting off the bus, a sudden push from behind _______her falling to the ground.(A...主要分析A.C)
A.sent B.threw C.made D.let

3.The price winner stood on the platform, _______. He could hardly keep back his tears.(A)
A.excited B.excitedly C.exciting D.calmly

这里的"when printed"理解为“when it is printed"的省略形式,when在这里引导从句,after不能引导从句所以错,B是“一旦”的意思,C是“即使“在这里句意不通,所以选择D

2.A是习惯用法,C一般情况下make的用法是,"make sb. do sth."短语中的do原为"to do"形式,但与“make”搭配时,to 省略
