急~~~我需要一个 关于恐惧的英文小故事!!!!!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 01:07:59
例如~~!~!~!一个小女孩,被她爸爸用皮带打多了 就非常恐惧
当她看到皮带时就会 全身有反映 还会说不要打我 等一些反射性的动作 后来又因为一些什么事就走出了阴影 ~~~~

类似的故事就行 反正需要那是个生动的故事 让人深刻的感受到主人公的恐惧心理就可以 拜托了 ~~~~ !!!!!

English ghost story

Nobody from the village would go near the crossroads after midnight. Everyone said the place was haunted. Lots of people said they had seen a white figure there---a horrible one-eyed woman with a big black cat.

One night, Tom and Mick were in the village pub having a drink. They were tlaking about the ghost at the crossroads.

"I don't believe in ghosts," said Tom.

"I bet you won't go to the crossroads, by youself, after midnight," said Mick.

Tom laughed and said, "I'll go---if you will."

So the two men agreed to meet at midnight at the crossroads.

Tom wanted to play a trick on Mick. He went to the crossroads just before midnight. He took a bag of flour and put it all over his face and hair and clothes. Then he sat down on a big stone by the crossroads and waited.

It was a very dark night. As the village clock struck twelve, Tom