
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 19:29:21
短文:He had nothing but contempt for the things most people set their hearts on-for fame and money.He didn't want money or praise.He made his own happiness out of such simple things as his work and playing the violin and sailing his boat.Einstein's violin brought him more joy than anything else in life.
题目:Einstein's happiness came from ____.
A.fame and money
B.money and praise
C.simple things
另外,短文中有短语for fame and money,fame and money前面为什么要加for?

楼上的都没说到点上……- -

文章明确说明his own happiness out of such simple things as his work。。。重点在于out of such simple things,这里的such simple things指得就是上面所说的money fame等等。所以带给她快乐的就是work和小提琴- -

such simple things as his work.
contempt for fame and money
for是contempt 要求接的,和前一个for并列。

答案是D,文章明确说了work是happiness的来源之一,但如果只说happiness came from simple things 的话就不准确,因为还有很多别的simple things

至于加for很好理解,前面有contempt,完整就是He had nothing but contempt for fame and money。

1.答案选D要好一些。因为材料里面的simple things其实是有限定条件的,即“诸如工作、拉琴之类的简单的事情”。如果单独选simple things是很笼统的,不够精确的,因为simple things包括的东西太多,不一定就是work之类的。纵观四个选项,选具体的“work”还是比较好的。
2.for fame and money里的for是跟着前面contempt for来的。contempt for,轻视,不齿,不悄一顾。