悉尼歌剧院的小短文翻译 谢谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 01:22:43
1957年Jorn Utzon的设计,在32个国家233个作品中脱颖而出,悉尼歌剧院于1959年开始建造,共耗时16年、斥资1200万澳币完成建造,为了筹措经费,除了募集基金外,澳洲政府还曾于1959年发行悉尼歌剧院彩券。在建造过程中,因为改组后的澳洲新政府与Jorn Utzon失和,使得这位建筑师愤而于1966年离开澳洲,从此再未踏上澳洲土地,连自己的经典之作都无法亲眼目睹。之后的工作由澳洲建筑师群合力完成,包括Peter Hall、Lionel Todd与David Littlemore等三位,但是历经一番波折之后,澳洲政府又不得不把这位建筑的奇才请回,因为也只有Jorn Utzon才能把握悉尼歌剧院所要表达的艺术语言。而在经过了上面三位建筑师的改造之后,悉尼歌剧院的风格俨然成为了怪兽派的风格,违背了当初的设计理念。于是Jorn Utzon在两个儿子的协作下来对悉尼歌剧院进行修复,而在中央大厅中的悬挂壁毯也是Jorn Utzon的女儿来完成,庄重,典雅。悉尼歌剧院最后在公元1973年10月20日正式开幕。开幕式(1973年10月)邀请了英国女王依莉莎白二世亲临现场。悉尼歌剧院另一项传奇是他的第一场演出。1960年PAUL ROBESON这位黑人歌手当时爬上了还在兴建中的鹰架引吭高歌,为工作者献唱。巧的是,他的生日与丹麦建筑师Jorn Utzon竟然是同一天。
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1957 Jorn Utzon's design, in 32 works in 233 countries come to the fore, the Sydney Opera House in 1959 started the construction, time-consuming a total of 16, spent 12 million Australian dollars to complete the construction, in order to financing, in addition to raising funds, Australia The Government had also issued in 1959 the Sydney Opera House lottery. In the construction process, because after the restructuring of the Australian new government and the Shihu Jorn Utzon, the architect Fener made in 1966 to leave Australia, never again set foot on Australian land did not even own a classic can not see. After the work group jointly by the Australian architect completed, including Peter Hall, Lionel Todd and David Littlemore, such as three, but after some twists and turns, the Australian Government also had to please the construction of the Wizards back, because only Jorn Utzon To grasp the Sydney Opera House to be the expression of artistic language. After the above in the tra