
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 15:18:36
The earlier the weather is very hot during the day in the office air conditioning does not think the winds, but at night after work feeling less than a Silk wind, it is not breathing, especially by heavy rain over the baptism of flowers and trees, Jiao-yan is so, then the green
Today, God has eyes, under a heavy rain, although the road is wet feeling, but I like the feeling it rains, it rains after the air is so fresh, so cool.
This is like the weather

那早地天气在办公室空调中在白天非常热不想风, 但是在感觉得比丝风少的工作之后在晚上,它没有在呼吸,藉着在花的施洗和树上的豪雨尤其, Jiao-yan 是如此, 然后那绿色的
今天,上帝有眼睛, 在一个豪雨之下,虽然道路是湿的感觉,但是我喜欢下雨的感觉,在空气如此新鲜、如此凉爽之后,下雨。